Cyber-physical systems are a ubiquitous in the technological world. They are devices and installations, often networked, being controlled and monitored by computers. Cyber-physical systems rely on various interactions between their hardware and software components. This master's programme covers the most important aspects of this subject.
The program focuses on systems with large integration, both at a low and high level. The former includes embedded systems and internet of things and the encompass automation or data management. It also includes courses on data analysis and machine learning. Students shape their curriculum via the elective module blocks. This allows to focus on their interests both on control and applications.
Graduates of the Cyber-physical Systems will have extensive knowledge of the field. Program emphasizes the evaluation and integration of the algorithmic and technical solutions. It incorporates use of technology with results from scientific publications. Graduates will find results for problems where choosing the best approach is not obvious but requires an intelligent comparison of the alternatives.
Higher education diploma: prime grades during university education; first-level qualifications and competences necessary to continue education in the second-cycle studies, Completed courses in control and digital electronics will be an advantage. Familiarity with Python and Matlab is welcome.
The aim of the Automation and Robotics program is to provide graduates with practical engineering skills necessary for their professional work, allowing them to solve contemporary technological problems related to the field of automation and robotics. Graduates of the Automation and Robotics program will acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills enabling them to effectively use the latest techniques and technologies in the field of control systems, regulation, and supervision. The employment opportunities for graduates of the program are very wide-ranging. The primary employers are companies directly related to the automation and robotization of production, but also IT, electronics, and research and development companies. Graduates have the opportunity to continue their scientific development within the framework of third-degree studies (doctoral schools).